The Barker Seller Report

The resale market is growing fast, though it faces challenges to that growth. In order to match demand and supply, new technology and solutions need to be developed.

In order to drive sellers to bring their assets to market, increasing inventory across all resale marketplaces, we need to first understand their motivations for selling in the first place.

What factors do private sellers consider to be most important when reselling their asset?

This report set out to scratch the surface of what truly motivates sellers. While there’s much more work to be done, for now, we can start to better understand what sellers really want, what they say they want, and what will cause them to sell more. All of this will help us and our community to focus on creating a set of tools to support massive growth in the resale sector.

What demographic is participating in the resale market the most?

Click below to download the full report: