Asset Pricing With Downside Protection.

Barker delivers mark-to-market valuations for alternative assets, backed by our A-rated insurers, ensuring reliability and peace of mind. Our valuations come with warranties that assure the accuracy of our prices.

Why Choose Barker?

Choose Barker for precision, confidence, and market-leading asset valuations backed by robust warranties.

Unmatched Accuracy.

Our prices are so precise they’re warrantied, providing confidence in every transaction. Barker's AI-driven price warranties, backed by A-rated insurance, ensure that asset valuations are trustworthy and secure.

Leading the Market For Lenders.

Barker is embedded with multinational clients across financial services, helping lenders reduce valuation risk, increase loan-to-value (LTV) ratios, lower capital requirements, and compete on loan interest rates. Barker mitigates risk by guaranteeing a predetermined minimum value on alternative assets, enhancing loan security, and allowing for more competitive loan terms with greater confidence.

Increase Confidence. Increase Conversion.

96% of asset owners want it. 94% will choose platforms that offer it. Barker’s embedded AI-driven valuations offer customers assurance, increasing conversion and driving profitability.

(*Independent market research study paid for by Barker.)

Empowering Financial Services.

Barker collaborates with financial services to accurately assess high-priced alternative assets, offering a transparent and complete view of clients' net worth. This empowers financial advisors to unlock new opportunities in asset financing and stewardship, optimizing financial portfolios.

Revolutionary Instant Asset Pricing.

With our patent-pending technology, Barker can price thousands of assets instantly. This cutting-edge capability ensures rapid, accurate valuations, providing unparalleled efficiency and confidence for all your financial needs.

Barker’s Backers.